Initially conceived as a response to the tragedy of 9/11, Rocking Lady started as a conventional figurative sculpture of a woman positioned with arms and legs crossed to shield herself, both physically and emotionally, from the darker side of humanity. A slice lengthwise created a perfectly smooth surface made up of abstract shapes, which subtly disrupts the protective pose. The figure is now seemingly in a state of grace, connected with her natural surroundings.
View Rocking Lady by Angela Conner at Canwood Gallery
Canwood Gallery (CG) is delighted to be launching for H.Art on Saturday 10th September 2016 with an exceptional mixture of internationally-renowned and local artists. Visitors will enjoy the opportunity to see the inspiring work of Carl Andre, and Angela Conner, and also exclusive photographs by the late, great Peter Sellers. Herefordshire’s most exciting talent will be on show including Walenty Pytel, Ed Elliot, Angela Holden, Rob Parkin, Walter Van Straaten, Simon Meiklejohn, Mark Houghton, Caro Burberry, Ben Esthop, Simon Probyn and Will Carr. Together with sublime sculpture by Heather Jansch, Dominic Welch, Jonathan Loxley and paintings by Deborah Roberts.
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